Chapter Bio
Kappa Sigma
Founded in 1901, the Beta Mu Chapter of Kappa Sigma is committed to the enrichment and growth of members through the four pillars: Fellowship, Leadership, Scholarship, and Service. Through these avenues, members develop lifelong skills and friendships to assist them in all endeavors. Kappa Sigma takes claim to the largest National Endowment Fund. The Endowment Fund has awarded over $6.5 million to members for achievements in academics, service and leadership since 1948. Kappa Sigma also developed the Military Heroes Campaign, which focuses services and donations towards soldiers disabled or killed in the line of duty. The Beta Mu Chapter is currently undergoing a transition in housing, making it an exciting and integral year for the most preferred fraternity in the world.
Chapter Size: 14
Chapter GPA: 3.21
Year Founded on Campus: 1901