Multicultural Greek Council
Sigma Psi Zeta
Alpha Kappa Charter

National Founding Date:
MN Charter Date:
National Philanthropy:
National Website:
Chapter Website:
Shukri Abdullahi
March 23, 1994
November 8th 2014,
Combat violence against womxn
Mission & Vision:
Sigma Psi Zeta Sorority, Inc. (SYZ) is a progressive multicultural Greek organization that provides a means to success and support for women, particularly women of color. The sorority builds on the unity of strong and independent leaders to affect change in our organization, our members, our universities, and local communities.
Our Vision is to provide an international organization uniting strong and independent women to build a network of pioneers and innovators to serve as catalysts for change.
Our Mission is to serve as a community of leaders, offering opportunities for women to exercise and develop professional and interpersonal skills in service of the national philanthropy and cultural awareness and education.
Charter History:
In the Fall of 2013 the interest group, Bel Esprit, was founded at the University of Minnesota by 12 strong, ambitious women. On November 8th, 2014, Bel Esprit became The Alpha Kappa Charter of Sigma Psi Zeta, under the leadership of the Charter Class:
Sumei De Vet, Maudie Her, Katy Huang, Allison Malmsten, Kayla Panning, Brenda Phengsomphou, Faith Tan, Alexi Tran, Jillian Tran, Pooja Shah, Sarah Sham and Jade Wang.
On May 28, 2017, our sorority reached the exciting milestone of being recognized as a chapter. Today, the Alpha Kappa Chapter continues to grow with each and every year, bringing in more sisters to this amazing SYZterhood.
The National Philanthropy of Sigma Psi Zeta is to combat violence against women in its varied forms. This includes, but is not by any means, limited to the following: rape, incest, domestic violence, sexual assault, stalking, exploitation, the trafficking of women and children, the abuse of migrant workers, intimidation at work, child abuse, harassment, and spousal abuse. Any kind of physical, emotional or mental duress constitutes violence.
Some ways that we combat this includes hosting workshops where we discuss violence against women, self-defense workshops, creating care packages, holding fundraisers where portions of the proceeds go to domestic violence shelters, and volunteering at these organizations we partner with.